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Welcome to CollasLab!

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Welcome to CollasLab!

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The Stem Cell Epigenetics Lab: Nuclear and chromatin architecture of adipogenesis and cancer cells

We investigate mechanisms by which features of chromatin organization and of nuclear architecture pattern adipose stem cell fate, EMT and cancer metastasis. We focus on the interplay between 3D chromatin interactions (including enhancer connectivity), nuclear lamina-chromatin interactions (including LADs), chromatin accessibility and transcription factor binding dynamics. Our model systems are multilineage differentiation of adipose stem cells (e.g. white vs. beige lineages), breast epithelial cell models of EMT, and various cancer cell types.

Keywords: 3D chromatin, enhancer-enhancer connections, nuclear lamina, LADs, adipose cells, laminopathies, epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition, metastasis.


Meet our team >>

Philippe Collas, Professor, Principal Investigator

Chair, Department of Molecular Medicine

Mailing address:
University of Oslo
Institute of Basic Medical Sciences
Department of Molecular Medicine
PO Box 1112 Blindern
0317 Oslo, Norway

Visiting address:
University of Oslo
Domus Medica, 2nd floor, room 2250
Sognvannsveien 9
0372 Oslo, Norway

Public transport: Tram lines 17 and 18 to Rikshospitalet; get off at the end station and walk 2 min to Domus Medica.

Phone: +47 22851060 (Administrative assistant)

philc [at] medisin.uio.no
s.m.taraldsen [at] medisin.uio.no (Administrative assistant)

Our current projects

Our work combines molecular, imaging, genomics and bioinformatics approaches using patient material, human adipose stem cells and cancer cell lines.

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